In the wake of her parents’ death, Kara Fallon (Colleen Conroy) struggles to maintain her sanity through increasingly intense encounters with a weeping spirit of Irish legend. If these visions are not real, how can the eccentric comic book artist Duff (Joey Klein) capture her terror so vividly in his latest work, “Cry”? Cry is a ghost story, a love story, a nightmare, a legend, and much more–a film that resonates like the wail of the Banshee itself. |
Colleen Conroy as Kara Fallon
Joey Klein as Duff
Ross Mason as Michael Fallon
Jennifer Crane as Fallon Banshee
Brian Schaer as Joey
Rebecca Nyahay as Gallagher Banshee
Roy Harry as Father Kearney
John Lenihan as Gallagher
Robin Pierce as Mia
Chad Milando as Young Duff
Liam Foxe as Young Gallagher
Emanuela Limandri as Kara Stand-in
Phil Costa
Qraig DeGroot
Jim Gorman
Bob Marshall
E.B. Martinez
Darren Sanchez
Jamey Welch
Scott Klein
Luis Martinez
E.B. Martinez
Arlene So
Kenneth Kaneaster
Produced by Darren Sanchez
Premi Ksiazek
Hilda Breakspear (Vocalist)